Counterfeit Products


MuscleTech® supplements are made with the highest quality ingredients in the world. We are dedicated to continuously researching, developing, patenting, and producing the most effective diet and sports supplements to assist you in achieving your fitness goals.

Due to the success of the MuscleTech® brand name, people try to mimic our products with counterfeit ones. Purchasing from an unauthorized distributor at prices that are “too good to be true” may result in the consumption of a counterfeit product that contains untested, lower quality ingredients that could potentially be harmful to you.

In order to help you identify if your product is counterfeit, please fill out the following form. Be sure to include detailed images of the products, including its Lot Number and Expiry Date.

If you would like to report a suspected counterfeit MuscleTech® product, you can also contact us via email at:

*All fields required.

Additional Resources

Verify Your Product

Identify if your product may be counterfeit by downloading the MuscleTech® Verify app.

Counterfeit Product Tips

Use these tips as a guide to help identify genuine MuscleTech® supplements.

Approved Distributors

A list of approved international distributors for MuscleTech® supplements.

*Clicking the link will bring you to

Unapproved Distributors

A list of distributors / manufacturers that are NOT approved for MuscleTech® supplements.

*Clicking the link will bring you to